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Do I need any experience to complete the online form?

No, you don't! :) 

No experience at all is required to complete our online form. We have worked hard to make it fun and simple so you will be finished in minutes. 

You will be guided each step of the way, and everything will be made crystal clear and simple to understand.


Have questions? Contact us.


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Can I complete the online form by myself?

Yes, you can!

Will Wizard® provides couples with Wills that mirror each other. This means that a couple has Wills that are the same, with a few minor exceptions specifically relating to burial and organ donation preferences. This ensures that it doesn’t become a case of 'who dies first' deciding whose wishes are met. 

Because couples Wills are the same, you only need one half of a couple to complete the online form.

With free changes, there is no extra cost if you need to make changes once you receive your Wills.


Have questions? Contact us.


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Do you require my financial details?

No, we don’t!

You do not need to list your assets or provide any financial details when completing our online form. The Will is sufficiently flexible to account for changes in your assets over time.

The Will Wizard® portfolio does include a Beneficiary Loans & Assets Record that can be maintained and updated as your asset circumstances change over time. This is not mandatory; however, keeping such a list can be very helpful to your executor after your death.


Have questions? Contact us.


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What information do I need to complete the online form?

To complete our online form you will only need the full name and the date of birth of the people you wish to nominate as beneficiaries and executor(s).


If you choose to nominate a guardian of young children, you will also need their full name and date of birth.

If you choose to nominate a charity or other organisation to be a beneficiary you will need the correct name and the legal address of the charity or organisation.


Have questions? Contact us.


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Can I save my draft once I’ve started the online form?

The form is broken into three parts. If you complete any of the three parts you will be emailed with a link that takes you back to where you left off.


The form does not time out and only takes fifteen to twenty minutes to complete.


As the form does not ‘time-out’, there is no problem if you need to take a break or call someone to confirm their details. 

So long as you leave the window open on your computer, tablet or smartphone you will be able to resume when you are ready.


Have questions? Contact us.


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Can I complete the form on any device?

Yes, you can complete the form any computer, tablet or smartphone.


Have questions? Contact us.


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How long does the online form take to complete?

Our fun online form takes between 15 to 20 minutes to complete. 

To put this into perspective, it takes about the same amount of time to create a long term protected financial legacy for your family as it does to make a hot breakfast :) 


Have questions? Contact us.


Why isn't the online form working?

If you are experiencing problems without online form it may have something to do with the platforms/browser you are using. Our online form can be viewed and completed using the following platforms/browsers:

Windows and Mac computers with the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Opera browsers.

Tablets: iPads running iOS 10+ and Android tablets running 4.4+.

Smartphones: iPhones running iOS 10+, Android smartphones running 4.4+, Opera Mini (latest version) and IE Mobile (latest version).

We usually support at least two previous versions of all popular browsers and platforms.

Trouble-shooting tips

  • Disable any plugins/extensions on your current browser, as these might affect our online form. Close and reopen your browser, then load the form and try again.

  • Try our form on a different web browser (we support Chrome, Safari, Edge and Firefox)

  • Clear your browser’s cache and cookie data. Then close and restart your browser, and try our form again. 

  • Most smartphones have more update to date platforms/browsers. If you are having trouble with your laptop or desktop computer you can complete our online form with your smartphone device.


Have questions? Contact us.

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