Like to keep things simple?
We do too. In fact that is our primary mission. But relying on a standard Will actually make things complicated for executors and loved ones. In fact, the very purpose of having a comprehensive, modern and flexible Will is to make things 'simple'.
Your Will needs to:
Give executors clear priorities and authorities;
Give beneficiaries options and flexibility to match their circumstances;
Provide option to inherit via testamentary trusts;
Provide opportunities to distribute your estate in the most tax effective way possible;
Help make Probate as hassle free as possible.
No standard 2-6 page Will does ANY of this.
Will Wizard® does all of this and more, providing a user-friendly online solution that delivers smart, testamentary trust Wills at a one-off cost every Australian family can afford.
If you have certain complexities such as family members with a disability, complex business interests or are part of a blended family we suggest you seek the advice of a experienced estate planning solicitor.