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Will Wizard logo
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Like to keep things simple?

We do too. In fact that is our primary mission. But relying on a standard Will actually make things complicated for executors and loved ones. In fact, the very purpose of having a comprehensive, modern and flexible Will is to make things 'simple'.


Your Will needs to:


  • Give executors clear priorities and authorities;


  • Give beneficiaries options and flexibility to match their circumstances;


  • Provide option to inherit via testamentary trusts;


  • Provide opportunities to distribute your estate in the most tax effective way possible;


  • Help make Probate as hassle free as possible. 


No standard 2-6 page Will does ANY of this. 


Will Wizard® does all of this and more, providing  a user-friendly online solution that delivers smart, testamentary trust Wills at a one-off cost every Australian family can afford.  


If you have certain complexities such as family members with a disability, complex business interests or are part of a blended family we suggest you seek the advice of a experienced estate planning solicitor. 


There are many great reasons why our Wills have so many pages and standard Wills do not.

We believe your family deserves options, guidance and protection via beneficiary controlled testamentary trusts. 

No better time than now!

It's easy :)
5 - 10 minutes only;
No financial details required;
Step by step guidance;
Lawyer verified;
Free changes;
Free delivery.
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