Executor Guidance
An executor's job is hard enough, let alone without proper guidance.
Executor's Priorities
Included in every Will from Will Wizard® is a clear set of sensible priorities for executors to follow in terms of how they should approach their role with clear directions on how to proceed.
Unlike standard 2-5 page Wills, Will Wizard® gives executors clear guidelines and powers to help them manage and distribute your estate.
Guide For Executors
Every Will Wizard® portfolio also includes a detailed yet simple to follow guide for executors.
The guide to assist them through what can be a difficult and complicated process.
Included in the guide:
Executor’s First Tasks
Executor’s Duties
Important Notes Concerning the Executor’s Role
General Executor ‘To Do’ List
Frequently Asked Questions
Assets & Loans Record
Every Will Wizard® portfolio includes an Assets & Loans Record that you can update as your asset circumstances change over time.
This document helps your executor understand your assets, their location and to understand any personal loans you have made that need to be accounted for in order to protect inheritance equality.
Family Heirloom Record
Every Will Wizard® portfolio includes a Family Heirloom & Small Chattels Record where you can list the various possessions you may wish to leave to specific family members or friends. Family heirlooms and small chattels refers to things like jewelry, furniture, artworks, knick knacks etc.
This list is of great benefit to your executor who is tasked with ensuring your wishes are met and your belongings distributed to the people you wish to receive them.
It is also an important measure to help ensure there are no unnecessary disputes between loved ones over small possessions.
Pet Guardian Nomination Form
Pet Guardian Nomination Form
Every Will Wizard® portfolio includes a Pet Guardian Nomination Record to assist your executor understand who it is you wish to car for your pets after you die.
At Will Wizard, we know pets are family too.
Seek Professional Advice
One of the principal goals of Will Wizard® is to protect family wealth long term across generations.
Having a great Will is the first step; however it is a critical second step that beneficiaries and executors consult with professional legal and financial advisers before receiving or distributing an estate.
This is why Will Wizard® includes a specific direction to executors (and beneficiaries) within every Will to seek professional legal and financial advice.
This direction is reinforced throughout the supplementary guides for executors and beneficiaries included in every Will Wizard portfolio.
Without proper advice executors and beneficiaries may struggle to take advantage of the potential protections and financial advantages afforded to family members inheriting via our sophisticated Wills.
Burial & Organ Donation Preferences
Will Wizard® provides the option to include your burial, cremation and organ donation preferences so that is clear for your executor.
However you can always skip this step and leave your wishes with your Will Wizard portfolio at a later date.
Don't put it off any longer. Get your Wills sorted today.
Please note: If you have certain complexities such as family members with a disability, complex business interests or are part of a blended family we suggest you seek the advice of a experienced estate planning solicitor. If you are unsure about any of the information provided here please seek professional advice or contact us.