Will Wizard disclaimer
Thank you for visiting Will Wizard's disclaimer page. If you have any questions about any of the information below please contact us. Please note Will Wizard is not a law firm or a legal service and does not provide legal, financial or taxation advice. Any information, documents or otherwise obtained from or provided by Will Wizard is not legal advice. If legal, financial or taxation advice is required, the customer should contact a legal, financial or tax professional. Will Wizard has made all reasonable efforts to ensure our document precedents are consistent with Australian State and Territory laws. However, laws can change over time and may change after the purchase date of your Will. Will Wizard accepts no liability or responsibility and all Will Wizard customers are subject to our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy.
Will Wizard provides Wills that are suitable for people with relatively simple personal and financial circumstances. Circumstances that fall outside of what is considered simple include, but are not limited to, if you have a blended family, with or without children from a previous relationship, have a child with a disability, if you are a part owner in a business or company, receive income or are a beneficiary of a discretionary trust, own property overseas, have an extensive or complex asset portfolio, or have other personal or asset complexities that may fall outside of the norm. If any of these apply to you, or if you have questions or require advice pertaining to any part of your Will, legal or financial needs or circumstances, you should contact a legal, financial or tax professional. Will Wizard accepts no liability or responsibility and all Will Wizard customers are subject to our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy.
Will Wizard provides an online system where customers input their own personal details and preferences to prepare their own Will via our online templates. All Will Wizard customers are personally responsible for their personal details, nominations, preferences and decisions selected while using the Will Wizard online system. Will Wizard accepts no liability or responsibility and all Will Wizard customers are subject to our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy.
All information provided by Will Wizard is correct to the best of our knowledge, but no guarantee is provided as to its accuracy, and every Will Wizard customer should seek professional advice before acting based on the content provided by Will Wizard. Will Wizard accepts no liability or responsibility and all Will Wizard customers are subject to our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy.